Joostrap members have access to some great extensions; included as part of their subscription or with the template download packages.

Our quickstart package installs exactly as per this demo and has these extensions already installed and demo content in place.  This makes it very easy and quick to get used to our template options and you just need to update as you wish.


Included in the template download package are the extensions, instructions and the template itself – so you can install and use these as you wish; without having to install the quickstart package if you daon’t want to.

Always remembers to read the release notes and instructions included with the template downloads for extra instructions.

Joomla Extensions from Joostrap included with this Template

Visual Presentation

  • Revolution Slider – the most powerful multi-layer, multi-animation and configurable responsive slider around
    (revolution_slider bundle with custom instructions, licensed as part of the j-backbone code base for all templates)
  • Article Carousel Module – reponsive article listing module with carousel scroll (mod_joostrap_article_carousel)
  • Joostrap Custom HTML Module – enhanced CSS3 background paramaters for faux Parallax effect (mod_custom_joostrap)

SEO Improvements

  • Adaptive Images Package – pre-configured adaptive images plugin for Joomla, including pre-configured cache plugin.
    The included tweaked plugins are the Extly Adaptive Images and JotCache plugins.
    Improves load time by automatically delivering appropriately resized images from cache. (pkg_adaptive_images)
  • Global and Author/User Social Media Metatags Plugins – greatly improves attribution, social sharing and SEO in general (pkg_socialmetatags)

Administration Improvements

  • Module Bootstrap Paramters – extra module tab with quick pulldown Bootstrap class options (plg_system_bootstrapparams )
  • Auto Blog Image Link – Turns blog intro images as a link to the main article (plg_blog-image-link)

Note: The above extensions are included with the download package as separate extensions, which you can use as you please.

Other Joomla Extensions installed in the Demo and Quickstart Package

These extensions are installed in the demo and also the Quickstart package, which allows you to install a complete duplicate of this demo site.
Note that seperate installables of these extensions are NOT included in the template package.  We recommend that these extensions are indespensible in any Joomla installation and highly recommend visiting the developers of these extensions for updates, support and purchasing or donations to help support their development efforts.
You can of course uninstall these extensions in just one click vie the extension manager should you wish not to use them.

  • Akeeba Backup – on every commercial site we build – default 3rd party Joomla backup & restore solution
  • Akeeba Admintools – on every commercial site we build – default 3rd party Joomla security
  • JCH Optimize (I know, it’s not the „proper“ English spelling, but it’s what it is called) – configure when/before going live
  • Mootools Enabler/Disabler – by Robert Segura … this will help get rid of any niggling mootools still hanging around in Joomla core
  • JCE – Joomla Content Editor – default 3rd party Joomla content editor

We have discounts for the pro versions of a number of these extensions available to current Joostrap subscribers.  Please login to your account and visit the page to view the offers available and links to the developers sites.


Note on Installed Extensions / Plugins

While these extensions/plugins have been installed and configured to work in our demo/development environment they are NOT all turned on / fully utilisedthis is especially true of the 3rd-party security and optimisation tools. If you need support for the tools then please approach the devs of those tools for support – and show your support for them and help the future developments and enhancements through donation or purchase 😉
Thanks – hope you love the demo and template – it’s a HUGE step forward in responsive Joomla templates – just wait until you take it for a test drive … it is GREAT 😉